Top Health Tips on Managing Diseases of the Colon, Rectum and Anus

Ghee - Why It Is An Important Part Of Your Diet?

Ayurvedic Doctor, Patiala
Ghee - Why It Is An Important Part Of Your Diet?
Desi ghee is a powerhouse of vitamins and fatty acids which promote good health. It is an ancient remedy for cough, cold and soft skin, but in the last few years, the credibility of saturated fats like desi ghee has been in question.

There are some people who believe that saturated fats are the bad fats but a recent research and majority of health experts agree that naturally occurring saturated fats present in desi ghee are actually good for your health. Here are 8 amazing health benefits of desi ghee:

Builds Strong Bones: Desi ghee is one of the few foods that are rich in Vitamin K, especially Vitamin K2. Vitamin K2 helps the body to utilize essential minerals, including calcium and thus improves bone health and development. Also, the right amount of desi ghee helps eliminate tooth decay. Another function of desi ghee is to keep joints and connective tissues lubricated, increasing flexibility.

Immune System Booster: Desi ghee is packed with Vitamin A which helps eliminate free radicals in the body. Vitamin A is linked to the proper functioning of the immune system. That s not all; Vitamin A is a powerful antioxidant that may help prevent certain types of cancer, especially ulcerative colitis that could otherwise lead to colon cancer.

Boosts Energy Levels: Since experts recommend that athletes should use desi ghee as a consistent energy source, we can take the same advice. The fatty acids in desi ghee are quickly processed by the liver and broken into energy. Apart from boosting metabolism and energy levels, desi ghee aids in the body s absorption of fat-soluble vitamins like A, D, E and K, which enhance stamina.

High Smoking Point: While being processed, desi ghee can endure a higher smoking point compared to coconut oil or extra virgin olive oil. This means that it won't break into free radicals till the temperature rises to 482 Fahrenheit. These villainous free radicals are unstable molecules that create havoc on our health, from premature aging to cancer. So when you consume desi ghee your risk levels of ingesting those villains are extremely low.

Improves Digestive Tract: Desi ghee is rich in butyric acid. A study reveals that people with unhealthy digestive tract don t naturally produce butyric acid. Since good digestion is a key to good health, it s essential to incorporate foods rich in butyric acid into your diet to aid digestion. This acid nourishes cells in the intestines, reduces leakage of undigested food particles and aids in the repair of the mucosal wall.

Reduces Inflammation: Butyric acid is one of the major fatty acids that the body needs to fight inflammation, especially in the gastrointestinal tract. Patients suffering from ulcerative colitis, Crohn's disease or other inflammatory bowel diseases would be adviced to include desi ghee in their diet. According to Ayurveda, gently rubbing desi ghee on cranky joints can help soothe inflammation, lubricate joints and banish arthritis stiffness.

Keeps Your Eyes Healthy: The vitamin A present in desi ghee improves eye health and this reduces several eye-related health problems. This powerful antioxidant reduces the risk of macular degeneration and the development of cataract. The fatty acid in ghee augments the body s absorption of this important vitamin as well as other nutrients.

Healthier Skin: Desi ghee s natural properties can keep skin moisturized for a long period of time. It penetrates deep into the skin to keep it hydrated; dry skin accelerates premature aging, including wrinkles, fine lines and saggy skin. To avoid this, one can generously massage lukewarm desi ghee on the skin, keep it for 10 mins and take a shower. Regular usage will give you a lasting, glowing skin.

So, by now you must have understood that desi ghee is not our foe but a good friend that everyone should have. In case you have a concern or query you can always consult an expert & get answers to your questions!
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5 Top Cancer Fighting Foods You Must Eat!

Diploma In DDHE
Dietitian/Nutritionist, Delhi
5 Top Cancer Fighting Foods You Must Eat!
Cancer is one of the worst diseases, which kills millions of people across the world. While there is a wide range of treatment options available, the best way to deal with it is to ensure a good diet along with a healthy lifestyle.

Here is a list of cancer-fighting food products, which can immensely help to prevent cancer:

Green vegetables: Leafy green vegetables have multiple health benefits. They are not only rich in minerals, vitamins, enzymes, and antioxidants, but also have very low content of calories, toxins, and sodium. Being antiviral and antibacterial in nature, green vegetables can successfully inactivate carcinogens, halt metastasis and pause the formation of a tumour. Certain vegetables contain isothiocyanates that can detox the cells. Some of the vegetables that are mighty effective in countering cancer cells include kale, romaine, watercress, nutritious spinach, collard greens etc.
Berries: Berries are one of the best antioxidants among all food items, owing to their high ORAC score. Their antiviral and anti-fungal nature of berries is extremely healthy for the body. Moreover, abundant supply of vitamin A and C makes berries a perfect agent for increasing body immunity. Free radicals are one of the top reasons for metastasis. The proanthocyanidin content of berries helps the body to get a hang of free radicals, thereby decreasing the chances of cancer cells to grow rapidly. They can be consumed daily with any meals.
Spices and herbs: There are a lot of herbs and spices, which boost the immune system and prevents cancer cells to grow further. Turmeric, for instance, is scientifically proved to be a great agent for reducing tumor size and effectively countering breast cancer and colon cancer. Some of the other herbs and spices include black pepper, ginger, raw garlic, parsley, oregano, and basil. They can be consumed daily in the form of juice or along with regular meals.
Organic meat: Many scientists are of the view that organic meat does wonder in a cancer diet. Liver of beef and chicken has high B12 content and helps to remove harmful toxins from the digestive tract and liver. They can balance hormone, digest fat and counter the side effects of triglycerides, drugs, and obesity. This can be included in the diet every alternate day.
Seeds and nuts: Flax seeds and chia seeds are few nutrient-power packed foods in the world. They should be included in the diet due to high fiber, mineral, and fatty acid content. Some other healthy seeds that can pay rich dividends in fighting cancer include walnut, sprouted bean, sunflower seeds etc. Nuts and seeds with all their nutritional qualities can successfully stop metastasis, reduce tumor size and increase immunity in the body, if consumed daily.
Hence, start including these food items in your daily diet to keep yourself safe from the deadly disease like cancer.
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Anal Sex - 5 Reasons Why it is Not Good for Your Health

India Best Sexologist Clinic, MD - Medicine - HMB, Member of The Royal Society for the Promotion of Health (UK) (MRSH)
Sexologist, Delhi
Anal Sex - 5 Reasons Why it is Not Good for Your Health
In order to spice up their relationship, couples can sometimes consider the option of anal intercourse instead of vaginal intercourse. Some recent studies have suggested that anal sex is actually bad for your health and can also result in severe and life threatening conditions.

Below are a few reasons that will make you aware of the risks of involving in anal sex. They are as follows:

Fissures or piles: The anal tissues are non-stretchable and thereby an insertion of the penis into your partner s anus can lead to tearing of the anus which might make your partner prone to anal fissures or piles. Besides, anal sex can cause severe pain while excretion the morning after, as there can be a significant weakening of the anal muscles.
Increases the chances of anal cancer: If you and your partner frequently engage in anal sex, your partner s chances of getting anal cancer increases as the act can initiate the transmission of the Human Papillomavirus (the virus responsible for anal cancer).
Bacterial infection: Anus is a place designed to hold and facilitate the passing of faeces. This makes it a fertile breeding ground and holding area for bacteria. Through insertion, there is a high chance that you can be infected through your partner s bacteria. Also if vaginal intercourse occurs immediately after anal intercourse, your partner can also get affected by the bacteria that transfer from the anus to the vagina. It can cause UTIs or urinary tract infections at the least and more serious infections as well.
Sexually transmitted diseases: Contrary to popular opinions, having unprotected anal sex can actually increase the chance of getting HIV and other deadly Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STD s). As the anal tissues are extremely fragile, the risk of the transmission of sexually transmitted infections in the bloodstream remains quite high for both the partners involved. Even if you re using a condom whilst engaging in the act, the chances of getting STD s looms large as condoms are more prone to breakages during anal sex.
You can still get pregnant: Engaging in unprotected anal sex does not really mean that you cannot actually get pregnant from it. There is a slight chance of semen leakage from the anus which can seep into the vagina and result in pregnancy.
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Ayurvedic Treatment for Uterine Cancer

Gynecological Disorders Opthalmic Disorders Psychiatric Disorders Urological Disorders
Ayurvedic Doctor, Indore
Ayurvedic Treatment for Uterine Cancer
Ayurveda is a form of medicine that has been practiced for thousands of years and has many effective cure for some of the most complex diseases. Cancer, in this day and age, is one such complex disease and its incidence is increasing rapidly. Some of the common ingredients for treatment of uterine cancer through Ayurveda are mentioned here.

1. Turmeric: Already a staple spice in many Indian dishes, turmeric as a herb in raw form and as a spice in powdered form, is touted the new wonder herb all across the world. It has been used as a traditional healing herb in India since ages. It has also been seen to be a very effective anti-inflammatory agent and thus it is very effective in stopping the growth of cancer cells.

2. Green tea from the Camellia Sinensis plant: Green tea has been known to be effective in treating multiple types of cancer, aid in weight loss and also facilitate detoxification. Regular consumption of green tea from the Camellia Sinensis plant is known to fight the growth of cancer cells within the body; thus is a very effective in treating uterine cancer as well.

3. Ashwagandha: This herb is not only used in Ayurveda, but has also been adopted by homeopathy as conventional medicine to make extracts. Ashwagandha is an adaptogen, which means it can adapt to the requirements of the body and then make the changes to provide support to the necessary areas. It is also very good at preventing the growth of cancer cells.

4. Garlic: This spice is known to be good for multiple forms of cancer as it contains allicin, which is being hailed as one of the best fighters of inflammatory diseases. It also contains other types of phytochemicals and thus helps in detoxifying the body. It is very effective in fighting cancer cells and can arrest the growth of cancer within the body.

5. Ginger: Ginger is extremely effective in the treatment of many ailments, if consumed regularly in controlled amounts. It has been known to be very effective in the treatment of colon cancer. Due to its properties, it is also known to be effective in the prevention of uterine and many other forms of cancer.
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Colon Cancer - How Ayurveda Helps You Treat It?

Bachelor of Naturopathy & Yogic Sciences (BNYS), in yoga and naturopathy, Bachelor of Ayurveda, Medicine and Surgery (BAMS), Bachelor of Physiotherapy
Ayurvedic Doctor, Delhi
Colon Cancer - How Ayurveda Helps You Treat It?
According to the American Cancer Society and Colon Cancer Alliance, colon cancer, which is also referred to as colorectal cancer is regarded as the third most commonly diagnosed type of cancer, as well as the second most important reason of cancer deaths in the U.S. affecting both men and women. But thankfully, colon cancer can be prevented by changing the food habits. It is also important to get regular screenings through colonoscopy, which will help you to determine the early or precancerous stage that can be treated with the removal of cancerous cells.

Colorectal cancer is deemed to be cancer, related to the food habits and it can be prevented by correcting the same. Here are the top ways through which you can help your condition naturally:

Reduce the amount of red meat consumption: Health studies reveal that people who eat red meat on a regular basis are more prone to developing colon cancer. This is because the chemicals required to digest this food damage the DNA material which in turn is the main reason behind the cause of cancer.
Increase the amount of garlic intake: By consuming more garlic, you can reduce the risk of developing different types of cancer, particularly those of the gastrointestinal tract. Garlic is rich in anti-bacterial properties that can block the pathway of cancer causing elements and boost the repair as well as reduce the proliferation of cells. It is also high in selenium and sodium content which are beneficial for the overall health.
Consume all types of plant antioxidants: The bright-coloured fruits and vegetables, as well as herbs and spices, can greatly contribute to adding a wide array of antioxidants in your regular diet. Foods that are rich in antioxidants include carrots, pomegranates, cranberries, kale, broccoli, tomatoes, apples, cabbage, turmeric, sage, rosemary, saffron, purple and red grapes.
Cook foods in sesame oil: The many health benefits of sesame seeds are due to its nutritional content, including vitamins, minerals, natural oils, and organic compounds which consist of calcium, iron, magnesium, phosphorous, manganese, copper, zinc, fiber, thiamin, vitamin B6, folate, protein, and tryptophan.
Increase the consumption of Omega-3 fatty acids: It has been reported by several types of research that a diet rich in Omega-3 fatty acids can reduce the occurrence of colon cancer and therefore you must eat a lot of salmon, cod, mackerel and sardines for decreasing the pro-inflammatory levels in your body.
These few alterations to your food habits can greatly help you in preventing colon cancer and you can consult your doctor for a detailed analysis and recommendation based on your individual health condition.

Ayurvedic & Naturopathy Services To Treat Colorectal Cancer:

Colon cancer can be fatal if not treated at an early stage. Ayurveda offers effective remedies for colon cancer. Some of the remedies are mentioned below:

Drinking green tea can be very effective. Green tea has epigallocatechin (a Polyphenol used in different dietary supplements) which can destroy the formation of cancer cells.
Consuming Aloe Vera is another useful technique. It cleans the digestive tract and colon region by removing harmful toxins and can thus help to cure cancer faster.
Turmeric is also very potent in fighting cancer. It contains curcumins which can destroy the cancer cells formed in the colon region.
Ashwagandha is known to have certain properties that can control the growth of cancer cells and is thus instrumental in treating colon cancer.
The juice of garlic has certain medicinal properties that can combat the growth of cancer cells in your colon region. Intake of garlic juice can thus be very helpful.
Some of the naturopathy treatments for Colon Cancer are mentioned below:

Herbal and botanical preparations
Dietary supplements
Physical therapy and exercise therapy
Lifestyle counseling
Chiropractic care
6766 people found this helpful

Colon Cancer - Treat it the Ayurvedic Way!

Ayurvedic Doctor, Nashik
Colon Cancer - Treat it the Ayurvedic Way!
According to the American Cancer Society and Colon Cancer Alliance, colon cancer, which is also referred to as colorectal cancer is regarded as the third most commonly diagnosed type of cancer, as well as the second most important reason of cancer deaths in the U.S. affecting both men and women. But thankfully, colon cancer can be prevented by changing the food habits. It is also important to get regular screenings through colonoscopy, which will help you to determine the early or precancerous stage that can be treated with the removal of cancerous cells.

Colorectal cancer is deemed to be cancer, related to the food habits and it can be prevented by correcting the same. Here are the top ways through which you can help your condition naturally:

Reduce the amount of red meat consumption: Health studies reveal that people who eat red meat on a regular basis are more prone to developing colon cancer. This is because the chemicals required to digest this food damage the DNA material which in turn is the main reason behind the cause of cancer.

Increase the amount of garlic intake: By consuming more garlic, you can reduce the risk of developing different types of cancer, particularly those of the gastrointestinal tract. Garlic is rich in anti-bacterial properties that can block the pathway of cancer causing elements and boost the repair as well as reduce the proliferation of cells. It is also high in selenium and sodium content which are beneficial for the overall health.

Consume all types of plant antioxidants: The bright-coloured fruits and vegetables, as well as herbs and spices, can greatly contribute to adding a wide array of antioxidants in your regular diet. Foods that are rich in antioxidants include carrots, pomegranates, cranberries, kale, broccoli, tomatoes, apples, cabbage, turmeric, sage, rosemary, saffron, purple and red grapes.

Cook foods in sesame oil: The many health benefits of sesame seeds are due to its nutritional content, including vitamins, minerals, natural oils, and organic compounds which consist of calcium, iron, magnesium, phosphorous, manganese, copper, zinc, fiber, thiamin, vitamin B6, folate, protein, and tryptophan.

Increase the consumption of Omega-3 fatty acids: It has been reported by several types of research that a diet rich in Omega-3 fatty acids can reduce the occurrence of colon cancer and therefore you must eat a lot of salmon, cod, mackerel and sardines for decreasing the pro-inflammatory levels in your body.

Go For Ayurvedic Panchakarma Therapy: Panchakarma is the ultimate mind-body healing experience for detoxifying the body, strengthening the immune system and restoring balance and well-being. It is one the most effective healing modality in Ayurvedic Medicine. It promotes Detoxification and Rejuvenation. It is recommended on a seasonal basis, as well as when an individual feels out of balance or is experiencing illness. According to Ayurveda, good health depends upon our capability to fully metabolize all aspects of life, assimilating that which nourishes and eliminating the rest. When we can t completely digest our food, experiences, and emotions, toxins accumulate in our bodily tissues, creating imbalance and ultimately disease. Panchakarma is an elegant cleansing process that releases stored toxins and restores the body s innate healing ability.

These few alterations to your food habits can greatly help you in preventing colon cancer and you can consult your doctor for a detailed analysis and recommendation based on your individual health condition.
6272 people found this helpful

Know How Homeopathy Helps to Manage Obesity!

BHMS, VLIR Belgium, Canadian Academy Of Homeopathy
Homeopathy Doctor, Navi Mumbai
Know How Homeopathy Helps to Manage Obesity!
Obesity and the role of homoeopathy in its management

Obesity is a condition associated with having too much fat or adipose tissue in the body. A person having a Body Mass Index of 30 or more is called obese.
If not treated in time, obesity can put you at risk for over 40 chronic medical conditions including, but not limited to High cholesterol, Type 2 diabetes, Heart disease, Gallstones, Hypertension, Sleep apnoea (shallow breathing when you sleep), Osteoarthritis, Respiratory problems, Certain cancers (colon, breast and endometrial).

Primary causes of Obesity

When it comes to causes, there are several that directly or indirectly give rise to this health condition. Some of them are lack of physical activity, unhealthy eating habits and poor diet, family history, lack of sleep, use of certain medications.

Role of Homeopathy in Obesity Treatment

Homeopathy treats obesity with remedies for the different aspects of the condition prescribed on the basis of the causes, symptoms of obesity and patient s disposition. Before arriving at the right remedies, a homeopath goes through your case history to ascertain whether you re predisposed to this health condition. Factors like lifestyle and eating habits, along with other health conditions, are also taken into account for coming up with the right treatment plan.

How does it work?

The remedies that are prescribed to treat the condition work by regulating your body s metabolic processes, and improving your digestive system. More specifically, while lowering your food intake they act on your digestion and absorption powers, so that there s less fat build-up. At the same time, these remedies also help in reducing the effects that low food consumption may cause namely, fatigue and hyperacidity. Again, in contrast to conventional medicines that operate by inducing a feeling of full stomach or limit the absorption of nutrients, homeopathy remedies work by treating the symptoms responsible for weight gain by working on improving your metabolism.

What are the remedies offered by homeopathy?

For this health condition, homeopathy offers about 189 remedies that are tailor-made to suit your specific condition. A remedy for an obese child would be different from the one that has been prescribed for a menopausal woman. Likewise, there are specific homoeopathic remedies for obesity caused by hypothyroidism. A homeopath is the best person to guide you on the appropriate remedies specific to your case.
Homeopathy, as an alternative branch of medicine, provides you with a safe and holistic solution for removing excess fat from your body, consequently leading weight loss.
5990 people found this helpful

Colon Cancer - 5 Tips to Help You Fight Naturally!

Ayurvedic Doctor, Nashik
Colon Cancer - 5 Tips to Help You Fight Naturally!
According to the American Cancer Society and Colon Cancer Alliance, colon cancer, which is also referred to as colorectal cancer is regarded as the third most commonly diagnosed cancer type as well as the second most important reason of cancer death in the U.S. affecting both men and women. But thankfully, colon cancer can be prevented by changing the food habits.

It is also important to get regular screenings through colonoscopy, which will help you to determine the early or precancerous stage that can be treated with the removal of cancerous cells. Colorectal cancer is deemed to be cancer-related to the food habits and it can be prevented by correcting the same. Here are the top ways through which you can help your condition naturally:

Reduce the amount of red meat consumption: Health studies reveal that people who eat red meat on a regular basis are more prone to developing colon cancer. This is because the chemicals required to digest this food damage the DNA material which in turn is the main reason behind the cause of cancer.
Increase the amount of garlic intake: By consuming more garlic, you can reduce the risk of developing different types of cancer, particularly those of the gastrointestinal tract. Garlic is rich in anti-bacterial properties that can block the pathways of cancer causing elements and boost the repair as well as reduce the proliferation of cells. It is also high in selenium and sodium content which are beneficial for the overall health.
Consume all types of plant antioxidants: The bright coloured fruits and vegetables, as well as herbs and spices, can greatly contribute to adding a wide array of antioxidants in your regular diet. Foods that are rich in anti-oxidants include carrots, pomegranates, cranberries, kale, broccoli, tomatoes, apples, cabbage, turmeric, sage, rosemary, saffron, purple and red grapes.
Cook foods in olive oil: Olive oil is rich in anti-cancer properties and it helps in reducing bile acid and increasing the enzymes that can regulate the growth of the cells on the intestine lining so that tissues can be renewed. Antioxidant compounds called phenolics are present in olive oil and have also proven to be a cancer protective anti-oxidant.
Increase the consumption of Omega-3 fatty acids: It has been reported by several types of research that a diet rich in Omega-3 fatty acids can reduce the occurrence of colon cancer and therefore you must eat a lot of salmon, cod, mackerel and sardines for decreasing the pro-inflammatory levels in your body.
These few alterations to your food habits can greatly help you in preventing colon cancer and you can consult your doctor for a detailed analysis and recommendation based on your individual health condition.
5774 people found this helpful

Can Ayurveda Help You Manage Colon Cancer?

Bachelor of Ayurveda, Medicine and Surgery (BAMS), MBA (Healthcare)
Ayurvedic Doctor, Dehradun
Can Ayurveda Help You Manage Colon Cancer?
According to the American Cancer Society and Colon Cancer Alliance, colon cancer, which is also referred to as colorectal cancer is regarded as the third most commonly diagnosed cancer type as well as the second most important reason of cancer death in the U.S. affecting both men and women. But thankfully, colon cancer can be prevented by changing the food habits.

It is also important to get regular screenings through colonoscopy, which will help you to determine the early or precancerous stage that can be treated with the removal of cancerous cells. Colorectal cancer is deemed to be cancer-related to the food habits and it can be prevented by correcting the same. Here are the top ways through which you can help your condition naturally:

Reduce the amount of red meat consumption: Health studies reveal that people who eat red meat on a regular basis are more prone to developing colon cancer. This is because the chemicals required to digest this food damage the DNA material which in turn is the main reason behind the cause of cancer.
Increase the amount of garlic intake: By consuming more garlic, you can reduce the risk of developing different types of cancer, particularly those of the gastrointestinal tract. Garlic is rich in anti-bacterial properties that can block the pathways of cancer causing elements and boost the repair as well as reduce the proliferation of cells. It is also high in selenium and sodium content which are beneficial for the overall health.
Consume all types of plant antioxidants: The bright coloured fruits and vegetables, as well as herbs and spices, can greatly contribute to adding a wide array of antioxidants in your regular diet. Foods that are rich in anti-oxidants include carrots, pomegranates, cranberries, kale, broccoli, tomatoes, apples, cabbage, turmeric, sage, rosemary, saffron, purple and red grapes.
Cook foods in olive oil: Olive oil is rich in anti-cancer properties and it helps in reducing bile acid and increasing the enzymes that can regulate the growth of the cells on the intestine lining so that tissues can be renewed. Antioxidant compounds called phenolics are present in olive oil and have also proven to be a cancer protective anti-oxidant.
Increase the consumption of Omega-3 fatty acids: It has been reported by several types of research that a diet rich in Omega-3 fatty acids can reduce the occurrence of colon cancer and therefore you must eat a lot of salmon, cod, mackerel and sardines for decreasing the pro-inflammatory levels in your body.
These few alterations to your food habits can greatly help you in preventing colon cancer and you can consult your doctor for a detailed analysis and recommendation based on your individual health condition.
5765 people found this helpful

Colon Cancer - How Ayurveda Can Help You Treat It?

Bachelor of Ayurveda Medicine and Surgery (BAMS), Modern Diagnostics
Ayurvedic Doctor, Thiruvalla
Colon Cancer - How Ayurveda Can Help You Treat It?
According to the American Cancer Society and Colon Cancer Alliance, colon cancer, which is also referred to as colorectal cancer is regarded as the third most commonly diagnosed type of cancer, as well as the second most important reason of cancer deaths in the U.S. affecting both men and women. But thankfully, colon cancer can be prevented by changing the food habits. It is also important to get regular screenings through colonoscopy, which will help you to determine the early or precancerous stage that can be treated with the removal of cancerous cells.

Colorectal cancer is deemed to be cancer, related to the food habits and it can be prevented by correcting the same. Here are the top ways through which you can help your condition naturally:

Reduce the amount of red meat consumption: Health studies reveal that people who eat red meat on a regular basis are more prone to developing colon cancer. This is because the chemicals required to digest this food damage the DNA material which in turn is the main reason behind the cause of cancer.

Increase the amount of garlic intake: By consuming more garlic, you can reduce the risk of developing different types of cancer, particularly those of the gastrointestinal tract. Garlic is rich in anti-bacterial properties that can block the pathway of cancer causing elements and boost the repair as well as reduce the proliferation of cells. It is also high in selenium and sodium content which are beneficial for the overall health.

Consume all types of plant antioxidants: The bright-coloured fruits and vegetables, as well as herbs and spices, can greatly contribute to adding a wide array of antioxidants in your regular diet. Foods that are rich in antioxidants include carrots, pomegranates, cranberries, kale, broccoli, tomatoes, apples, cabbage, turmeric, sage, rosemary, saffron, purple and red grapes.

Cook foods in sesame oil: The many health benefits of sesame seeds are due to its nutritional content, including vitamins, minerals, natural oils, and organic compounds which consist of calcium, iron, magnesium, phosphorous, manganese, copper, zinc, fiber, thiamin, vitamin B6, folate, protein, and tryptophan.

Increase the consumption of Omega-3 fatty acids: It has been reported by several types of research that a diet rich in Omega-3 fatty acids can reduce the occurrence of colon cancer and therefore you must eat a lot of salmon, cod, mackerel and sardines for decreasing the pro-inflammatory levels in your body.

Go For Ayurvedic Panchakarma Therapy: Panchakarma is the ultimate mind-body healing experience for detoxifying the body, strengthening the immune system and restoring balance and well-being. It is one the most effective healing modality in Ayurvedic Medicine. It promotes Detoxification and Rejuvenation. It is recommended on a seasonal basis, as well as when an individual feels out of balance or is experiencing illness. According to Ayurveda, good health depends upon our capability to fully metabolize all aspects of life, assimilating that which nourishes and eliminating the rest. When we can t completely digest our food, experiences, and emotions, toxins accumulate in our bodily tissues, creating imbalance and ultimately disease. Panchakarma is an elegant cleansing process that releases stored toxins and restores the body s innate healing ability.

These few alterations to your food habits can greatly help you in preventing colon cancer and you can consult your doctor for a detailed analysis and recommendation based on your individual health condition.
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